So you have started a business. Your business is your baby. You brought it to life, you have taken care of it, and you take tons of pride in watching it grow just like a proud parent watching their kids grow. That being said, as an entrepreneur, it’s natural to be protective of your business. It may be difficult, perhaps even frightening to imagine handing it off to someone else.
But sometimes that’s exactly what needs to happen in order for your business to grow. If you are a solopreneur, perhaps you know the feeling of being a bit stuck creatively or having way too much on your plate. If that’s the case, you may want to consider finding a business partner, someone who can share your ambitions and help you reach your full potential. Sure, it can be a vulnerable experience to invite someone into what you are doing, but it can also be totally worth it. Here are a few of the many reasons why you should consider finding a partner:
There is a huge difference between having a goal and sharing a goal. As a solo entrepreneur, it can be easy to fall into the habit of letting things slide. After all, when you’re working alone, the only person you are able to disappoint is yourself. But when you bring someone else into the equation, suddenly there is a heightened sense of responsibility. Having a partner lights a fire under you, which makes you far less likely to give up on your goals.
A sounding board
Do you ever have an idea that makes you really excited at first, but suddenly you find yourself wondering – wait, is this a crazy idea? When it comes to developing a business, it can be difficult to assess which ideas are strokes of genius and which are total dead ends. In partnerships, however, you get the unique opportunity to ask the is this a crazy idea question to a real, live human being instead of just inside your own head. And if you’ve selected a good partner, then chances are they will be honest with you. If your idea is a terrible one, they’re going to tell you. On the contrary, if it’s a great idea, then let’s go! Now you’ve got someone there to help you develop it.
Someone to pick up the slack
Look, you’re great. Really, you are good at so many things. But you know that one thing you kind of struggle with? Well, wouldn’t it be nice if you had someone by your side who could help you out with that? Thats your business partner. Good partnerships are often made up of individuals with complementary skills – diverse talents that when combined create an explosion of creativity and productivity. Perhaps you are a big-picture visionary, but you struggle with the small details. Or maybe you write incredible copy, but your photography skills are a bit lacking. Whatever the case, complementary partnerships help to level out any weaknesses you might have(and don’t worry, everyone has weaknesses).
Emotional support
Let’s be honest, sometimes being an entrepreneur is unpleasant. I mean, when things are going well, building a business is like a dream. But when you’re struggling, when things don’t pan out the way you thought they would or when you take a significant financial hit – it can be discouraging. However, when you have a partner, it not only alleviates some of the pressure that occurs during the low points of business, but it also means that you have someone who knows exactly what it is that you’re going through. Whether you’re bummed, frustrated, or totally elated, your partner will be right there with you.
Increased productivity
Here’s the big DUH moment you have been waiting for: working with someone else means that you can get twice as much done. While that may seem obvious, you should really think about what that means. Think about every time your to-do list has reached epic proportions. Think of all of the times you’ve delayed your goals because you just had too much going on. When you collaborate with a partner, suddenly all of those tasks that you had on the back-burner can be delegated to someone else. Your productivity will double, and you’ll have someone by your side to celebrate with when you make it big.